=== SG Optimizer === Contributors: Hristo Sg, siteground, sstoqnov Tags: nginx, caching, speed, memcache, memcached, performance, siteground, nginx, supercacher Requires at least: 4.7 Requires PHP: 5.5 Tested up to: 5.0 Stable tag: 1.0 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html With the SiteGround Optimizer enabled, you're getting the very best from your hosting environment! == Description == This plugin is designed to link WordPress with the SiteGround Performance services. It WILL NOT WORK on another hosting provider. The SG Optimizer plugin has few different parts handling speciffic performance optimizations: == Configuration == For detailed information on our plugin and how it works, please check out our [SG Optimizer Tutorial](https://www.siteground.com/tutorials/wordpress/sg-optimizer/ "SG Optimizer Tutorial"). = SuperCacher Settings = In this tab, you can configure your Dynamic Caching and Memcached. Make sure you've enabled them from your cPanel before using the plugin. You can enable/disable the automatic cache purge, exclude URLs from the cache and test your pages if they are properly cached. = Environment Optimization = Here, you can force HTTPS for your site, switch between different PHP Versions (compatibility check available), and enable or disable Gzip Compression and Borwser Caching rules for your site. = Frontend Optimization = In this tab, you can enable or disable Minification of your HTML, JS and CSS resources, remove the Emoji support and remove the query strings from your static resources. = Image Optimization = Here, you can enable or disable optimization for your newly uploaded images, bulk optimize your old ones and enable lazy loading for your site images. = Plugin Compatibility = If your plugin does not trigger standard WordPress hooks or you need us to purge the cache, you can use this public function in your code: if (function_exists('sg_cachepress_purge_cache')) { sg_cachepress_purge_cache(); } Preferrably, you can pass an URL to the function to clear the cache just for it instead of purging the entire cache. For example: if (function_exists('sg_cachepress_purge_cache')) { sg_cachepress_purge_cache('https://yoursite.com/pluginpage'); } = WP-CLI Support = In version 5.0 we've added full WP-CLI support for all plugin options and functionalities. * wp sg purge (url) - purges the entire cache or if URL is passed * wp sg memcached enable|disable - enables or disables Memcached * wp sg forcehttps enable|disable - enables or disables HTTPS for your site * wp sg phpver check (--version=) - checks your site for compatibility with PHP 7.1 or the version you specify * wp sg optimize - enables or disables different optimization options for your site: * wp sg optimize html enable|disable - enables or disables HTML minification * wp sg optimize js enable|disable - enables or disables JS minification * wp sg optimize css enable|disable - enables or disables CSS minification * wp sg optimize querystring enable|disable - enables or disables query strings removal * wp sg optimize emojis enable|disable - enables or disables stripping of the Emoji scripts * wp sg optimize images enable|disable - enables or disables New image optimization * wp sg optimize lazyload enable|disable - enables or disables Lazy loading of images * wp sg optimize gzip enable|disable - enables or disables Gzip compression for your site * wp sg optimize browsercache enable|disable - enables or disables Browser caching rules = Requirements = In order to work correctly, this plugin requires that your server meets the following criteria: * SiteGround account * WordPress 4.7 * PHP 5.5 * If you're not hosted with SiteGround this plugin WILL NOT WORK because it relies on a specific server configuration Our plugin uses a cookie in order to function properly. It does not store personal data and is used solely for the needs of our caching system. == Installation == = Automatic Installation = 1. Go to Plugins -> Add New 1. Search for "SG CachePress" 1. Click on the Install button under the SG CachePress plugin 1. Once the plugin is installed, click on the Activate plugin link = Manual Installation = 1. Login to the WordPress admin panel and go to Plugins -> Add New 1. Select the 'Upload' menu 1. Click the 'Choose File' button and point your browser to the SGCachePress.zip file you've downloaded 1. Click the 'Install Now' button 1. Go to Plugins -> Installed Plugins and click the 'Activate' link under the WordPress SG CachePress listing == Changelog == = Version 5.0.13 = * Modified HTML minification to keep comments * Interface Improvements * Better input validation and sanitation for PHP Version check * Improved security = Version 5.0.12 = * Better cache purge for multisite * Surpress dynamic cache notices for localhost sites = Version 5.0.11 = * Improved handling of third party plugins causing issues with the compatibility checker functionality * Optimized WP-CLI commands for better performance * Better notice handling for Multisite and conflicting plugins = Version 5.0.10 = * Fixed issue with Mythemeshop themes * Fixed issues with exclude URL on update * Fixed issues with exclude URL on update * Exclude Lazy Load from AMP pages * Exclude Lazy Load from Backend pages * Fixed WPML problems * Fixed Beaver Builder issues * Fixed Spanish translations * Fixed incompatibility with JCH Optimize = Version 5.0.9 = * Fixed woocommerce bugs * Improved memcached flush * Improved https force = Version 5.0.8 = * Better .htaccess handling when disabling and enabling Browser Cache and Gzip * Improved image optimization handling * Added option to stop the image optimization and resume it later * Fixed bug with memcached notifications * Fixed bug with conflicting plugin notices for non-admins * Fixed bug when user accesses their site through IP/~cPaneluser * Fixed bug with labels for HTML, CSS & JS Minification * SEO Improvements in the Lazy Load functionality = Version 5.0.7 = * Fixed bug with notifications removal * Fixed bug with modifying wrong .htaccess file for installations in subdirectory * Flush redux cache when updating to new version * Improved check for existing SSL rules in your .htaccess file * Added check and removal of duplicate Gzip rules in your .htaccess file * Added check and removal of duplicate Browser caching rules in your .htaccess file = Version 5.0.6 = * Memcache issues fixed. Unique WP_CACHE_KEY_SALT is generated each time you enable it on your site. * Better status update handling * Added option to start checks even if the default WP Cron is disabled (in case you use real cronjob) = Version 5.0.5 = * Fixed Compatibility Checker progress issues. * Fixed images optimization endless loops. * Changed php version regex to handle rules from other plugins. = Version 5.0.4 = * Fixed CSS minification issues. * Add option to re-optimize images. * Allow users to hide notices. = Version 5.0.0 = * Complete plugin refactoring * Frontend optimiztions added * Environment optimizations added * Images Optimizatoins adder * Full WP-CLI Support * Better Multisite Support * Better Interface = Version 4.0.7 = * Fixed bug in the force SSL functionality in certain cases for MS * Added information about the cookie our plugin uses in the readme file = Version 4.0.6 = * Bug fixes * Better https enforcement in MS environment = Version 4.0.5 = * Removed stopping of WP Rocket cache = Version 4.0.4 = * Minor bug fixes = Version 4.0.3 = * Switching recommended PHP Version to 7.1 = Version 4.0.2 = * WPML and Memcache / Memcached bug fix = Version 4.0.1 = * Minor bug fixes * UK locale issue fixed = Version 4.0.0 = * Added proper Multisite support * Quick optimizations - Gzip and Browser cache config settings for the Network Admin * Network admin can purge the cache per site * Network admin can disallow Cache and HTTPS configuration pages per site * WPML support when Memcached is enabled * Cache is being purged per site and not for the entire network * Multiple performance & interface improvements * Security fixes against, additional access checks introduced * Fixed minor cosmetic errors in the interface = Version 3.3.3 = * Fixed minor interface issues = Version 3.3.2 = * Fixed bug with disabling the Force HTTPS option = Version 3.3.1 = * Fixed cache purge issue when CloudFlare is enabled * Added logging of failed attempts in XMLRPC API. = Version 3.3.0 = * Improved public purge function for theme and plugin developers * Added WP-CLI command for cache purge - wp sg purge = Version 3.2.4 = * Updated Memcache.tpl * Fixed a link in the PHP Check interface = Version 3.2.3 = * Improved WP-CLI compatibility = Version 3.2.1 = * Improved cron fallback, added error message if the WP CRON is disabled = Version 3.2.0 = * Adding PHP 7.0 Compatibility check & PHP Version switch = Version 3.0.5 = * Improved Certficiate check = Version 3.0.4 = * Fixed bug with unwrittable .htaccess = Version 3.0.3 = * Fixed bug in adding CSS files = Version 3.0.2 = * User-agent added to the SSL availability check = Version 3.0.1 = * PHP Compatibility fixes = Version 3.0.0 = * Plugin renamed to SG Optimizer * Interface split into multiple screens * HTTPS Force functionality added which will reconfigure WordPress, make an .htaccess redirect to force all the traffic through HTTPS and fixes any potential insecure content issues * Plugin prepared for PHP version compatibility checker and changer tool = Version 2.3.11 = * Added public purge function * Memcached bug fixes = Version 2.3.10 = * Improved Memcached performance * Memcached bug fixes = Version 2.3.9 = * Improved WordPress 4.6 compatibilitty = Version 2.3.8 = * Improved compatibility with SiteGround Staging System = Version 2.3.7 = * Fixed PHP warnings in Object Cache classes = Version 2.3.6 = * Minor URL handling bug fixes = Version 2.3.5 = * Improved cache testing URL detection = Version 2.3.4 = * CSS Bug fixes = Version 2.3.3 = * Improved Memcache work * Interface improvements * Bug fixes = Version 2.3.2 = * Fixed bug with Memcached cache purge = Version 2.3.1 = * Interface improventes * Internationalization support added * Spanish translation added by SiteGround.es * Bulgarian translation added = Version 2.3.0 = * Memcached support added * Better PHP7 compatibility = Version 2.2.11 = * Improved compatibility with WP Rocket * Bug fixes = Version 2.2.10 = * Revamped notices work * Bug fixes = Version 2.2.9 = * Bug fixes = Version 2.2.8 = * Bug fixing and improved notification behaviour * Fixed issues with MS installations = Version 2.2.7 = * Added testing box and notification if Dynamic Cache is not enabled in cPanel = Version 2.2.6 = * Fixed bug with Memcached causing issues after WP Database update = Version 2.2.5 = * Minor system improvements = Version 2.2.4 = * Minor system improvements = Version 2.2.3 = * Admin bar link visible only for admin users = Version 2.2.2 = * Minor bug fixes = Version 2.2.1 = * Added Purge SG Cache button * Redesigned mobile-friendly interface = Version 2.2.0 = * Added NGINX support = Version 2.1.7 = * Fixed plugin activation bug = Version 2.1.6 = * The purge button will now clear the Static cache even if Dynamic cache is not enabled * Better and more clear button labeling = Version 2.1.5 = * Better plugin activation and added to the wordpress.org repo = Version 2.1.2 = * Fixed bug that prevents you from enabling Memcached if using a wildcard SSL Certificate = Version 2.1.1 = * Cache will flush when scheduled posts become live = Version 2.1.0 = * Cache will be purged if WordPress autoupdates = Version 2.0.3 = * Minor bug fixes = Version 2.0.2 = * 3.8 support added = Version 2.0.1 = * Interface improvements * Minor bug fixes = Version 2.0 = * New interface * Minor bug fixes * Settings and Purge pages combined into one = Version 1.2.3 = * Minor bug fixes * SiteGround Memcached support added * URL Exclude from caching list added = 1.0 = * Plugin created. == Screenshots == 1. The Super Cacher Settings tab handles your Dynamic caching and Memcached. Here, you can exclude URls from the cache, test your site and purge the Dynamic caching manually. 2. In the Environment Optimization tab, you can force HTTPS for your site, switch PHP versions and enable Gzip and Browser Caching rules. 3. The Frontend Optimization tab allows you to Minify HTML, CSS & JS, as well as to remove query strings from your static resources and disable the Emoji support. 4. The Image Optimization tab allows you to optimize your Media Library images, aswell as adds Lazy Loading functionality for your site. 5. Multisite Only! In the Global Settings tab, you can configure all options that are global for your network. 6. Multisite Only! In the Per Site Defaults tab, you can configure how the new sites, added to your network will be setup.